
One Block Radius showcase at the Gibson Showroom

One Block Radius, Def Jam's newest addition, is an alternative Hip Hop trio consisting of Z-Man (emcee), Marty James (emcee/producer) and MDA (DJ/vocalist). The sounds were cool, relaxing at times. They made me think a little of Atmosphere and Gym Class Heroes. I felt like the mics could have used a little more treble in order to hear the lyrics a little better. Maybe it's the tendency for emcees to cup the mic when they rhyme, but still, come on Gibson. I know guitars are you thing, but. ... You're Gibson! One thing that was just strange for me was that the place was fully lit. I don't know if it's just me, but I think the the whole vibe of the event could have been much better if they dimmed the lights. Call me crazy, but it's little things like that that mean the most to me.

I wasn't going to write about this, because I just went to hang out after a friend of mine invited me, but then I figured if I'm going to start a blog about some of the things I do I might as well blog about some of the things I do. I saw a couple of familiar faces, and there was free food (that never ran out) and drinks (that never ran out). One Block Radius' album release date is September 16.

All in all it was a good time. I even met a beautiful, young, Puerto Rican woman who grew in the same neighborhood as me back home. After that, I went home, saw Michael Phelps win the 100-meter butterfly against Milorad Cavic of Serbia by a hair and then went out for drinks with some friends at this spot called The Griffin just north of downtown L.A. We just hung out, and I was talking with some friends about some of the film and video projects they had been working on among other things. One guy was telling me about shooting with Dolly Parton and shooting in Glasgow, UK. I really need to learn how to work pro video equipment. That stuff will take you everywhere.

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