
Biden v. Palin

Politics doesn't normally excite me, but I was amped to see this debate. The Obama/McCain debate was ok, but maybe I didn't get too into it, because I was listening to it while stuck in traffic on I-10 after working about 14 hours on the set of a TV show, and it's not like we haven't been hearing these two speak for some time now. Maybe my interest had something to do with the fact that in her short time in the spotlight, Sarah Palin has been a talking disaster when it comes to interviews. I think the presidential election process is way too long and expensive anyway. I understand this is the world's toughest job interview and all, but. ...

However, Biden and Palin are new to us. I was dying to see this debate like. ... Gee golly gosh darnit, I don't know, like a pitbull that plays hockey with lipstick on. 

I made some food. I had a bottle of wine ready.

Joe Biden ran back the opening kickoff. I think he just seemed in control from the start.

...The following are just random thoughts that popped into my head as the debate went on...

Obama voted against the against the bailout. Biden voted for it. Strategy? Smart. I guess. Well, people are allowed to disagree. 

Did she just call him Senator "Obiden"?

Did she just say "nucular?" Really, four more years of that, but she says naivete correctly?

Ooooh, she said the "H" word (Holocaust).

Senator Biden. So, gay couples can do all that great stuff. ... But you don't support gay marriage? 

Sitting down with our "enemies" makes me think of the heads of mafia families or drug lords sitting down together trying to figure how all can prosper. It's not great, but it's better than a free-for-all. It's a necessary evil.

Stop looking at your cue cards so much, both of you but especially you, Sarah.

Why is she blinking so much?

She made a good point about Biden changing his views on certain issues after becoming the VP candidate.

If she says, "Maverick," one more time. ...


(according to answers.com)

maverick  (măv'ər-ĭk, măv'rĭk)n.

    .  An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.

    .  One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.


Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence: maverick politicians; a maverick decision.


I think voting for Mr. "Maverick," would be like voting for George Bush III. It would also guarantee Tina Fey a gig on Saturday night Live for the next four years.

I love Tina Fey.

If Palin says, "Gosh," "Golly," or "Darn," one more time. ...

Biden getting choked up when talking about being a single father. ... Nice.

John McCain knows how to win a war? Apparently someone doesn't know that the "P" in "POW" stands for, "Prisoner." Didn't we lose in Vietnam?

John McCain knows how to win a war? Does he know how to end one? Does he know how to avoid one?

I have to go now. I have to go teach Joe Biden how to say "Cha-rac-ter-ized."

Biden 1 - Palin 0  

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