I don't think I've ever had such a great time at an industry function. It was the perfect combination of celebrities, "regular people," and silicone. Anyone I've talked to on the subject knows I feel that no city in America can compete with Miami (maybe I'm biased; that's so not journalism, but we're just talking here, right?) when it comes to beautiful women, but I will say this, if Miami is Michael Phelps then Los Angeles was Milorad Cavic tonight. L.A.'s beautiful women came out on this Monday night (yes, Monday).
Another reason I had such a great time was due to publicist/event planner, Jasmine Vega. I met Jasmine about a month and a half ago, but never worked with her. I've worked with many publicists and event planners over the years, but she may have been the most pleasant to work with thus far, not to shun the other great ones.

"So, Jasmine we have a new client we want you to handle. They're a Hip Hop group from Saten Island. They're called The Wu-Tang Clan. One of them wears really pointy rings, another one wears white contacts. One is an old, dirty bastard. One is a genius and one wears a mask at all times. Oh yeah, and there's four more of them. They're great. They're really into Kung Fu flicks. You'll love them. ... How do you feel about fangs?"

Jamsine greeted me with a huge smile and hug. Next thing I was invited to a drink. I was warned that the Rock City signature drink of the night was blue and might contain an umbrella, a reasonable gesture in West Hollywood. I was told I could have that or whatever I wanted, but I was game and secure in my manhood. Bring on the umbrella. Later on I found out that the Rock City signature drink of the night may have actually been a Blue Hawaiian (in this case, coconut rum, blue Curacao and pineapple juice, topped with a cherry. ... And an umbrella). As I took the drink in my hand I remembered that I had just started the master cleanse (aka the lemonade diet) this morning. I couldn't turn my drink away now. That would be rude. I had never had a blue Hawaiian until this point. I now like Blue Hawaiians. ... And nicely tanned Hawaiians of the female sort for that matter.
After the blue Hawaiian came a few more drinks courtesy of some record execs I had just met. Master cleanse? I'll start tomorrow.

Rock City took the stage around midnight if I remember correctly and performed for about half an hour

I'm not a big fan of red carpet/club photography. Shooting a performance is fine, but I don't enjoy shooting people while they're partying, celebrity or not. L.A. is different from Miami in this sense. Miami has more of a "Leave me alone. I'm trying to smoke my weed" mentality. However, in L.A. people want to be seen, so it's a little easier out here. There were a lot of celebrities in the house, but I let them chill for the most part. Who am I to interrupt their inebriation process. Besides, like I said before, club photography, not my thing. A bunch of folks came out like: Evan Ross, Ben Baller, directors Jesse and Ulysses Terrero, Sean Kingston, DJ Irie and DJ Vertigo from Miami and some others. After Rock City performed Tyga jumped on stage for a few songs. I have some of the pictures at my Myspace. I would've put them here, but I thought it might have been a bit much, and Blogger didn't like me at the time anyway.
Lisa Raye was also in the house. She looked really nice with her short hair and a smile that stayed lit. On one of my final rounds around the club

Why didn't I holler at her? ... Oh yeah; it's because I'm an idiot. She was !@#$%&* gorgeous. Honestly, sometimes it feels like you need a three-picture deal or a Grammy to talk to some of these women out here, especially at industry parties, but that's another blog. I should've rolled the dice anyway. Ah well, L.A. is a small town. I'm sure I'll see her again. What was I writing about again?
I left before I go into any trouble or got someone pregnant or woke up with a rash of some sort or co-signed for a car or something.
When I first got to L.A., The Highlands in Hollywood was my favorite spot, then it was Basque up the street. ...

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